Derek King Sh*ts On His Team Once Again With These Comments..

Published April 24, 2022 at 4:04 PM

If putting your team down was a way to win in the National Hockey League, Chicago Blackhawks Derek King would be in lead for number one coach throughout the 32 teams. Derek King has put down players numerous times this season, and has not taken accountability for his own team, always referencing HIS teams performance as "they" or "them" needs to be better, and not "we" which plays a part in a huge question about his leadership.

Derek King is at it once again, he made a pre game speech to his Blackhawks team before their most recent team, and it was not motivating.

Derek King to his team before the start of last nights game, telling all of his players that they should be embarrassed and that he urges them to "earn that respect back" that they lost over their recent loss.

Earn respect back? It seems as if respect is a one way thing for Derek King, when he expects the most but does not give that in return, putting down his team, individual young players and more.

April 24   |   618 answers
Derek King Sh*ts On His Team Once Again With These Comments..

Should the Blackhawks fire Derek King this off-season?

YES!!27344.2 %
Double YES!!23137.4 %
No, he is not the issue.11418.4 %
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