Blackhawks Legend Jeremy Roenick Under Fire For Controversial Comments During Podcast

Published April 2, 2023 at 1:25 PM

It's important to note that driving recklessly and endangering others is a serious offense and should not be taken lightly. It's also concerning that Roenick seems to be boasting about this incident, rather than expressing remorse for his actions.

As a public figure and NHL analyst, Roenick should be setting an example for others, particularly young hockey players who may look up to him. It's not responsible or admirable to glorify dangerous behavior and imply that being famous can exempt someone from the consequences of their actions.

It's unclear whether Roenick will face any repercussions for his comments, but it's important for individuals in positions of influence to be mindful of the impact their words can have, particularly when discussing sensitive topics.

"Trying to get to the airport I t-boned a car cause I ran a red light running to the airport," revealed Roenick on the podcast. "Absolutely t-boned the car and she went off the road into the living room of a house. The cops told me 'Just get out of here JR, you've got a game tomorrow get to the airport.' That's Canada for you, t-bone a car, never hear about it again."

It's hard to believe that Roenick could have caused so much damage and so much chaos and not have been reprimanded in any fashion for his actions, but that is how he tells it. Certainly the victims of this incident might feel aggrieved if they catch wind of Roenick's retelling, that is assuming of course that the story Roenick is telling here is true.

"The cops told me just get out of here JR"

April 2   |   203 answers
Blackhawks Legend Jeremy Roenick Under Fire For Controversial Comments During Podcast

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