Jonathan Toews Cut BAD After Stick To Face- No Penalty (VIDEO)

Published April 19, 2022 at 5:41 PM

The National Hockey League has been on watch as of late due to brutal like officiating, like this:

Coaches in the past have expressed their feelings on the referees, and the referees have even been caught speaking to each other about «make up calls». When they forget to make a call, they will «forget» to make another one for the opposing team to even it out they say.

The brutal officiating showed in the matchup between the Calgary Flames and the Chicago Blackhawks on April 18th, 2022. Where this one was of MULTIPLE calls not called, for both teams.

April 19   |   121 answers
Jonathan Toews Cut BAD After Stick To Face- No Penalty (VIDEO)

Do you think the high stick on Toews that cut him open should be a penalty?

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