BREAKING: Multiple NHL players charged following multi-year investigation

January 30, 2024  (6:57 PM)

Alex Formenton, Dillon Dube, Carter Hart, Cal Foote and, Michael McLeod

A conclusion has been reached to the 2018 WJC Scandal and four NHL players will likely never return to the league.

The lawyers representing multiple players report that Cal Foote, Dillon Dube, Michael McLeod and Carter Hart have been charged with SA.

SA charges were filed against the players, who engaged in non-consensual activity with a young woman.
To discuss the charges regarding the players, the London Police will hold a press conference on February 5th.
Before this, all four had been told to surrender themselves to London police in regards to an investigation that had been ongoing since the summer, and has now been reopened and all four have been charged.
McLeod's lawyers, David Humphrey and Seth Weinstein, released a statement Tuesday afternoon, confirming the charge against their client.

«We can now confirm that more than five and half years after EM's initial complaint to police, the London Police Service has charged Mike McLeod with sexual assault,» the statement reads. «Mr. McLeod denies any criminal wrongdoing. He will be pleading not guilty and will vigorously defend the case.»

Louis P. Strezos and Kaleigh Davidson, counsel for Dube, also released a statement Tuesday confirming their client has been charged.

«[Dube] will defend the allegations in court,» the statement reads. «He will plead not guilty and maintains his innocence. He will defend the allegations in court.»

Megan Savard and Riaz Sayani, the lawyers for Hart, also confirmed via statement that their client has been charged.

«We act for Carter Hart and confirm he has been charged with one count of sexual assault. He is innocent and will provide a full response to this false allegation in the proper forum, a court of law,» the statement reads.

The charges against Alex Formenton were officially filed on January 28th after he returned from Switzerland to surrender himself.
According to Gary Ellis, the Toronto Police Service informed media that the players would be photographed, fingerprinted, and required to sign a declaration that they would not contact the victim before or after reporting to the police.
Originally, five players were accused of SAing a woman, identified as E.M., after a Hockey Canada foundation golf and gala event on June 19th, 2018.
The case had originally closed in February 2019, until it was re-opened by London Police in October 2022 as the police had sought various charges against the accused.
As Seen On: tsn.ca
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BREAKING: Multiple NHL players charged following multi-year investigation

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